Summer Mini Drama Camp Ages 4-6 Week 4
Occurs on
Monday July 31 2023
Approximate running time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Event Notes
MINI DRAMA CAMP Week 4 || Ages 4-6
July 31-Aug 4th - 9AM to 11:30AM
A 2.5 hour daily camp for Ages 4-6 years. Ready to explore, be creative and dress up? This Mini Drama Camp is a week of guided storytelling, dress-up, imaginative silliness, and theatre exercises that gives children an introduction to theatre and creative play.
Pack a water bottle and a snack!
A 2.5 hour daily camp for Ages 4-6 years. Ready to explore, be creative and dress up? This Mini Drama Camp is a week of guided storytelling, dress-up, imaginative silliness, and theatre exercises that gives children an introduction to theatre and creative play.
Pack a water bottle and a snack!